Sunday, January 30, 2011

Quitters Mentality

Do you stay cause it's right? Or do you leave because that makes you happy?

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Follow Me

I admit that there is a part of me that fears that I can't be monogamist. I'm always in the search for the feeling of the perfect kiss. The lady that would be perfect to have around my babies. Maybe I should cool out before I sang "Sadie" and she gone. These nights get long when you living in the wrong. The liquor too strong from my tongue and the strong arm of the law is looking for the boy. I can't continue on this track, but it's feels that I lack consistency. Anonymously on the blog so how much of me do you know when you see that it's completely me. I fear telling everyone that I wrote these words because the may be perturb or think it's up surd that I have felt afflicted since birth. Things can see like they change, but honestly just rearrange to the same. I can't claim that I changed when honestly I just masked more of me. Others seek the fame when I just want to share my reality, not for a salary, actually I want to just be happy. These nights seem to lack lasting, so I'm just tracking the past. Every moment show a lack of class, but now I wash away the ash and put it all on blast. Can't stay the same for ever. The more clever, longer and stronger endeavors, all the better. If I seem like I'm a little different, it's probably cause I struggle with listening. This world can be sicking, but I can't let it restrict me form glistening. The most high looks down with a frown on the whole town, city, it seems like grandma lost all her pity when her grandson feel in love with titties. HIV and TV got the world sickly. In the draft of life, no one want to pick these realities. So I just survive as a causality of the reality we City

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Why stay with him if they don't make you feel like this?

Just reflecting...memories of bliss

Monday, January 17, 2011

Square Dancer

I never knew that when I wrote this blog it would be an opportunity to change me. Reading the words of my past coming back to rearrange me. Looking in the mirror has been like moving in with a stranger. Trying to find peace in the eyes of the kid in the manger. Throat hurt like I went on a date with the strangler. Some people are gonna think I'm weird, I guess I'm not writing for all of you over there. It appears that in the middle of lack of discipline was the lesson to be learned. The wise words were written before these books was burned. These are not just random, these are the moments of a mishandling, panhandling Sandman. I guess my new occupation hasn't paid off, so back to reevaluating the cost. Self employed version of someone to boss. Rolling down the road in hopes to build no moss. When I find it, no need to floss, just a moment to talk about how I was taught. Middle class phantom trying to survive off the famine.

Happy MLK Day

Homage to the Greats who do what many couldn't...

Y R U Back

If you wonder where I have's a little reflective thought

Too far to come back home
Too lost to know I was gone
Too broke to get some help
Too much pain from the whelps
Too many emotions to feel
Too real to understand the deal
Too hard to cry about it
Too honest to lie about it
Too many times I'm done
Too many nights I'm the only one
Too much my past hasn't passed
Too many times, this was my last
Too many dollars and no class
Too many times I act unabashed
Guess is why I returned back
Guess this is the audience I attract.

Friday, January 14, 2011

My Greatest Fear

Your day breaks, your mind aches
There will be times when all the things she said will fill your head
You won't forget her

And in her eyes you see nothing
No sign of love behind her tears
Cried for no one
A love that should have lasted years


I always feared that I would write and no one would care
Now I stand in my pool of thoughts wondering "how I got here"
Maybe it was the balance from my bad decisions
Maybe it was the reflection of every indiscretion
Maybe it was the way I explain how it's missing
I don't know, but within this is my greatest lesson
This blog could be called "A Man's Confessions"
Either way, I'm still living and cognizance (Peace)

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Just Restart

I share the art that helps me thru the challenges of life. Hope they do the same for you.

See it All

This game you could never win
Cause they love you then they hate you then they love you again
Get away from me misery
Get away from me lonliness
Get away from me fake bitches, I can’t take the phoniness

I'm Yours

So True...

Mis(s)ing U

I wish I could send this letter to her
But I was suppose to move on from her
That was my mind in the old world
But I can't seem to let go of what unfurrel
She loved me when I was still finding
Caught me when I fell from climbing
Then when it was perfect timing
I left in one breath
Told her there was no one else
When in reality, I lost myself
Too busy looking for a warm place
To escape from a recluse mind state
How could I erase the memories
No more late calls after the drinking
Now it's long days of just thinking
But i can't change my past
But I can't just keep going and crash
Crashing into her in the streets
Not knowing how to speak
Not going to the peak
Because it's scary on top
It's hard to change when you have to stop
I can't keep going with her knowing
So in one poem, I share our moment

Winner's Winter

Since the last post what has trans past.
Couldn't mask that my young ass grew up
Dreams of my false reality just blew up
Now my lady has been found out
My son now knows what I'm about
The open hands and close mouth
Left me wondering about
When I said I was gonna change
Was I just saying all the same
More like I was ashamed
Too busy validating my actions
More like the lack there of
I can't act if I didn't do it
The misfits and laundry list of regrets
Makes me miss when I thought this was it
Full stomach, empty heart, I'm so sick
I can't call to apologize for the lies
However, I could have applied the whys
There are hints that this was gonna happen
I was starring in the show that I was acting
No supporters, No viewers, Talent lacking
Value can't come from just being attractive
But without action or passion, I'm just...